
1st Episode of Begunah set to be premiered on 1st February 2021

January 31, 2021 Justice with Children

BeGunah is a web series based on the concept of Artivism engaging youth to raise awareness on justice with children. It aims to address and analyze dynamics that may impact the child’s best interest with regards to justice with children. This web series particularly focuses on children in contact and conflict with the law highlighting the crucial difference that having child courts have made in ensuring rehabilitative and restorative justice

The exceptional web-series have been directed, produced, and envisioned by young Pakistani students who have attempted to launch a dialogue around juvenile justice and the issue of child abuse and gender equality. Partnering with the Federal Ministry of Law and Justice, Group Development Pakistan seeks to empower the youth and present an insightful and informative look into key problems, but also solutions and examples of good practices associated with juvenile justice and child rights within Pakistan.

Join us through Facebook live from the official page of Group Development Pakistan (GDP) to watch the premiere at 17:00 Hrs PST.

Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/GroupDevelopmentPakistan/live/