
World Congress

GDP held a national consultation on Justice with Children, in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Law and Justice, Terre des hommes Foundation, BackerMcKenzie, the office of the UNSRSG on VAC, Penal Reform International, International Association of Youth & Family Judges and Magistrates, Global Initiative on Justice with Children and International Institute for the Rights of the Child on 14th January 2021, to prepare the second edition of the World Congress on Child Justice.

The World Congresses on Justice with Children provides dedicated spaces of interaction and participation for policymakers, academics and civil society representatives, which seek to

  • Promote a fair and appropriate justice for and with children worldwide,
  • Encourage meetings between professionals to exchange on best practices, to foster scientific cooperation, to formulate policy recommendations and raise awareness on child justice
  • Support the operational implementation of international instruments and standards related to the rights of children and young people in conflict with the law and follow up with the UN Global Study on Children deprived of Liberty.

The last World Congress took place at the UNESCO headquarters, in Paris-France (May 2018), with the thematic focus “Strengthening Justice Systems for Children: Challenges, including disengagement from violent extremism”.

However, the next World Congress will take place in Mexico City in Fall 2021. The World Congresses are developed through The Global Initiative on Justice with Children which is a joint program developed by a group of international organizations, and in the context of Pakistan, GDP co-organized this national preparatory consultation to address the most current issues related to children in contact and conflict with the law.

In the virtual preparatory national consultation key national and international stakeholders opened discourse on key challenges, priority actions to promote justice for children, and good practices that have led the state and civil society partnership in Pakistan to pilot the child courts contributing to promoting fair and appropriate justice for and with children in Pakistan.

The detailed report on the national preparatory consultation can be found below.

2nd Edition of the World Congress is Happening from 15th to 20th November 2021

GDP is delighted to be part of this initiative to share experiences, knowledge and allow participants to discover what has been done in Pakistan, in the region and discuss the way forward.

The Asia Regional Plenary and related workshops will take place on 18th November 2021. Please find the schedule underneath and register to attend.

Schedule: Thursday, 18th November 2021

1. Asia Regional Plenary: Ensuring inclusive and child-friendly access to justice for all children in Asia

Time: 12:30 to 14:15 PM PST

2. Workshop A: Approaches to Inclusive, Equal, and Effective Child Participation in Access to Justice

Time: 15:00 to 16:30 PM PST

3. Workshop B: Child-Friendly Justice Framework: Pursuing Child-Centered Reform Through Properly Designed Data Collection, Analysis, and Utilization

Time: 17:00 to 18:30 PM PST

4. Global Declaration on Justice With Children

The Global Declaration on Justice With Children is the outcome of the discussions held before and during the 2021 World Congress on Justice With Children that gathered over 4,800 intergenerational participants from over 100 countries from 15-20 November 2021 through an online platform, with the theme of “Ensuring access to justice for all children: towards non-discriminatory and inclusive child justice systems”.

  • Click on the link below to read the declaration: