1. Following the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, GDP conducted two online competitions, 'Children and Youth Online Drawing Competition' and 'Healing Voices- Online Story Writing Competition, ' to engage children and youth in healthy activities while in isolation. Participants consisted of 375 children and youth (213 girls and 162 boys) in Healing Voices and a total of 439 participants (338 girls and 101 boys) took part in the Online Drawing Competition. As part of GDP's child participatory approach, juries for both the competitions comprised men, women, children, and youth.
2. The #CovidUnder19 is the biggest child participatory survey globally to date, involving 137 countries, including Pakistan. The survey aimed to document children's experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. 4 children (2 boys, 2 girls) sensitized by GDP helped design and disseminate the survey. GDP targeted three different groups of children and youth and translated the survey from English to Urdu with children's help; more than 245 Pakistani children took part in this unprecedented exercise. We are looking forward to sharing the findings with you all soon!
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3. GDP, with the involvement of children, produced short videos on the symptoms, prevention, and protection (using face masks, sanitizers, handwashing methods, and social distancing) for COVID-19 based on WHO guidelines. A total of 5 videos were filmed, with five boys and six girls featured in the videos.
4. As part of the Covid19 response, GDP launched a community-led Grievance, Complaint, Feedback, and Redressal Mechanism (GCFRM). The target communities were able to engage with GDP through trained focal persons if there were any complaints, incidences of abuse, human rights violations to report, or if they had to ask for support in times of COVID-19. A total of 240 cases were reported; 56 missing children were retrieved, among which 40 were boys and 16 girls; 54 accused were arrested, and 68 First Information Reports (FIRs) were registered.